Isabelle Berger-Delgrange
MER Practitioner in Training
- USA - New York
- Indonesia - Bali
- Website
Isabelle Berger-Delgrange is an 800-hour certified Jivamukti Yoga teacher since 2012 and received her training under the mentorship of Sharon Gannon David Life &Ruth Lauer Manenti. She is a certified BBTRS practitioner, MER practitioner, using Sound Healing for integration she offers private sessions, group workshops and retreats.
Isabelle practices and teaches various styles of yoga, qiqong, Soul retrieval Journey, sound. She currently resides in upstate NY in the Western Catskills and travels to further her education and knowledge so she can be of service to others in their personal growth, self development and empowerment. She is very grateful to all of her teachers who constantly show her a new light into the expression of self awareness.