Jakub Radziwoniuk

Jakub Radziwoniuk

Certified MER Practitioner

My journey towards understanding the body started in early days of high school, when I was diagnosed with severe spine dysfunction. After a rather long period of unsuccessful medical treatments, I was recognized as incurable and doomed to suffer overwhelming pain for the rest of my life. Not accepting that, I’ve decided to follow my inner compass and took my own path – against all the doctors’ advice.

That path guided me towards eastern internal arts of Taijiquan, Qigong and beyond, that taught me how physical, mental and spiritual forces work and how one can utilize those to achieve what most say is impossible. Process of mastering and eventually overcoming my pain made me deeply interested in the nature of the body, its own healing abilities and ways of sharing it with others. After studying and practicing various approaches and techniques I stumbled upon MER.

In Sati’s work, I’ve finally found what I was longing for years – the qualities of deep touch, absolute presence, pure love, trust towards body’s wisdom and technical skill, all united.

With utmost respect and awareness towards the human body’s wisdom laying at the heart of my practice ,I currently work with people using MER and meditative movement approach, empowering my clients to discover and use their own amazing abilities.